Friday, July 23, 2021

REMOTE SENSING: State the utilities of spectral reflectance curve


Remote sensing divided into two words which are “remote” and sensing, where by remote means away from or “at distance” while sensing means “detecting a property or characteristics”. Thus, the term remote sensing refers to the examination, measurement and analysis of an object without being in contact with it. According to the United Nations (UN)  1986 “the term remote sensing means the sensing of earth’s surface from space by making use of properties of electromagnetic wave emitted, reflected or refracted by the sensed objects, for the purpose of improving natural resource management , land use, and the protection of the environment. According to NASA defined “remote sensing as the instrument based technique used in the acquisition and measurement of spatially organized (distributed data information on some properties spectral, spatial or physical contact.Thus remote sensing can be defined as an a science and an art of acquiring information about the earth surface without actually being in contact with it, for example camera on airplanes can take image on large area on the earth surface, allowing to see much more than we can standing on the ground. Also other examples are balloons, pigeon fled, and rocket.Spectral reflectance curve is a measure of how much energy (as percentage) the surface reflects different amount of energy in different portion of spectrum. These differences in reflectance make it possible to identify different earth surface features or materials by analyzing their spectral reflectance signature. Different surface features reflect and absorbs sun’s electromagnetic energy in different ways. But the reflectance properties of an object depend on the materials and its physical and chemical state, the surface roughness as well as the angle of sunlight. Therefore, spectral reflectance curve is the pictorial presentation of the signature which corresponds to the electromagnetic spectrum. The spectral reflectance of any surface is measured with the help of testing instrument called spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer used for sending a cluster of electromagnetic radiation to a sample and then measures its spectral reflectance by measuring amount of radiation reflected by the surface, with the help of spectrophotometer one can easily obtain the spectral reflectance curve green vegetation and ensure the best study of their quality, but also spectral reflectance can be captured by other remote sensing sensors including those mounted on aircraft and satellites. Each material on the earth surface has its own reflectance, but major reflectance materials are soil, water and vegetation.

Soil spectral reflectance, this increasing with the wavelength in the visible portion of the spectrum and stay constant in the near infrared and shortwave infrared. The presence of moisture in the soil will decrease its reflectance, this affect is greatest in the water absorption band at 1.4, 1.9,  2.2, and 2.7 micrometer, Also, soil texture such as course, silt, or clay affect the reflectance of the soil.

The reflectance characteristic of vegetation depends on the properties of leaves, including the orientation and structure of leaf canopy. The amount of radiation reflected for a particular wavelength depends on leaf pigmentation, thickness, and composition and the amount of water in the leaf tissues. In the visible portion of the spectrum the reflection of blue and red components of incident light is comparatively low, because these portion are absorbed by plant (mainly by chlorophyll) per photosynthesis, the vegetation reflects relatively more green light. The reflectance in the near-infrared radiation is highest, but the amount depends on leaf development and cell structure. In the shorter wavelength infrared range reflectance is mainly determined by the free water I leaf tissue, more free water result in less reflectance. Wavelength around 1.4 and 1.9 micrometer are called water absorption band.

Water spectral reflectance, longer wavelength visible and near-infrared radiation is absorbed more by water than shorter visible wavelength. This make water typically looks blue or blue-green due to stronger reflectance at these shorter wavelength and darks if viewed at red or near infrared wavelength. If there is suspended sediments present in the upper layer of the water body, then this will allow better reflection and brighter appearance of the water. Turbid water has highest reflectance, water containing plants or algae has pronounced reflectance peak for green light because of the chlorophyll present.

The following are the utilities of spectral reflectance curves in remote sensing;

Spectral reflectance curve used to indicate the kind of electromagnetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum that are suitable for remote sensing, including those radiation that support highest reflectance capability according to their wavelength , frequency and energy. Where in spectral reflectance curve the radiation of higher reflectance are visible radiation and infrared radiation, and also I indicates how objects looks like under infrared compared to visible parts of the spectrum, for example; At visible wavelength both snow and clouds look very similar because both reflect a lot of light at all visible wavelength and hence look white to us. However in the infrared part of the spectrum, snow reflects very little and appears dark where clouds reflects a lot of radiation and appear bright. So, apart from this difference in reflectance between visible and infrared in spectral reflectance curve there are some other electromagnetic radiation that does not support reflectance example, Gamma rays and x-rays hence not suitable for remote sensing. So through spectral reflectance curve make easy identification of electromagnetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum that are suitable for remote sensing.

 Spectral reflectance curve used to provide repetitive information of an area suitable for remote sensing; including different objects or features that return different amount of energy in different bound of electromagnetic spectrum, and are influenced by different factors like their structure, chemical and physical properties, surface wavelength or radiant energy. Example in the vegetation. The health green vegetation has a significant minimum reflectance in the visible portion of electromagnetic spectrum that resulting to the pigment in plant leaves and reflectance tend to increase dramatically in the near infrared and at the same time stressed vegetation has lower reflectance in the infrared. Also other object or features like soil reflectance curve indicates how reflectance is affected by moisture content and soil texture, surface roughness, presence of iron oxide and organic matter. In water also the reflectance curve indicates where there is higher absorption and low reflectance. So due to the absorption of radiation at this region indicates that all water bodies containing clean water can be delaminated in remote sensing but turbid water have higher reflectance in the visible region, hence it is suitable for remote sensing because can help in monitoring the area of interest.

It is useful in differentiating features or objects on the earth surface, through taking reference from spectral reflectance curve can help image interpreters to differentiate various objects found on the earth surface by considering reflectance ability of materials. For example, an interpreter can determine both manmade and natural features like forest, water bodies, and houses arrangement by considering reflectance of those features, but when those features cannot be seen clearly an interpreter can use other techniques to get information of an area like by looking shape, shadow, texture and association between the targeted features with others around them or an interpreter can g direct to field for actual verification. Hence spectral reflectance curve is very useful in remote sensing.

It provide information about the type of plants and its health, by using spectral reflectance curve can help to provide information about vegetation health especially for those who are dealing with agriculture and forest. This can help image interpreters to determine the health of various crops by looking chlorophyll presents in crops, if the amount of chlorophyll is low means unhealthy crops or vegetation, for example, during harvest of forest harvesters use sensed image to determine kind of  trees to harvested during that season. Also there are some plant like  soybeans have spread out leaf clumps, corn has tall stalks with long narrow leaves and thin also wheat has long thin central stems with a few small bent leaves on short branches with head containing kernels.

 It is useful in determine the biochemical composition of the soil, soil spectral reflectance signature result from the presence or absence as well as the position and shape of specific absorption features of its constituents. Absorption are brought about the various chemical/physical phenomena such inter-molecular and electronic process in the atoms the visible and near infrared region (0.4 – 1.3 μm) are characterized by broad spectral absorption features such as yellowish, ferrous iron absorption features near (1 μm) and weaker absorption at 0.7 μm and 0.87 μm attributed to red, ferric iron. Soil is mixture of a number of organic and inorganic constituent so it’s not straightforward to evaluate the composition of soil from their spectral signature. Many soil spectral signature match closely, making it difficult to distinguish them. so this help environmentalist to provide education about good use of resources as soil concerned.

Spectral reflectance curve are useful in portraying the map, cartographers use their experience and reference from reflectance of various materials to a map showing natural and man made features present on the earth surface by comparing the features present in sensed image with the reflectance ability of materials. For example, a cartographer can differentiate layers in his or her drawing by painting green represent green vegetation, blue represent water bodies and brown represent soil. Hence spectral reflectance is important in making maps of cities, and local villages.

Generally, apart from the utilities of spectral reflectance curve, but also reflectance curve have many weaknesses like, it requires skilled person to interpret remote sensing image in relation to spectral reflectance of materials, so if a person knowledge of comparing the reflectance curve and sensed image leads to errors. Also various factors occurs on the atmosphere such scattering, absorption may leads to wrong reading and recording of spectral reflectance of materials. So it is better to correct those errors on the sensed image to reduce error before further uses of the information in other sectors such as in agriculture, mining and marine sectors.                                                                                                                                          





















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