- With examples from educational organizations discuss the various ways in which theory in educational administration is directly related to practice.
- With examples from educational organizations in Tanzania, explain the usefulness of theory for educational administrators.
- To what extent are the ideas of scholars of Administrative theory relevant to school management and administration?
- With vivid examples discuss the statement that administration in terms of a process and administration, as activities to be performed in various task areas are complementary conceptualizations of educational administration.
- What is meant by organizational sub-systems? Illustrate each of these subsystems with reference to educational organizations.
- Using vivid examples, discuss the extent to which the different dimensions of the external environment may have an influence on school administration in Tanzania.
- How can open systems theory be used to detect problems in school operations?
- Distinguish between the formal and the informal organization, and explain their main characteristics. What functions are served by the informal organization?
- Discuss features that classify schools and other educational organizations as distinct organizational types
- Decision-making is said to be a never-ending task for educational managers. Discuss
- With reference to the Tanzania School Improvement toolkit, discuss the roles and responsibilities of school heads. With vivid examples examine the challenges encountered by the heads of schools in executing these roles.
Explain why education planning is
an important exercise for a school.
13. Effective decision-making process breaks all the rules of rational decision-making. Discuss.
14. What are the key elements of organizational structure and how do they function in schools?
15. Should School administrators attempt to make decisions according to the rational model? Give reasons.
16. Development of technology has influenced the quantity and quality of communication in work places. Discuss this statement with specific examples from schools.
17. The fifth Tanzania Government is implementing fee free education initiative. Discuss the pros and cons of the initiative.
18. Many head teachers in our schools are dictators. With vivid examples provide reasons that support this statement. Suggest ways by which they can improve their leadership.
19. The school is a model of society. Discuss in detail with examples.
20. State the various types of records that are kept in a school. What is the importance of each of these records?
21. Explain with specific examples the implications of meager budgetary allocations to the education sector in Tanzania. Suggest possible alternatives to the problem.
22. Illustrate the current education organizational Structure in Tanzania. With examples, examine the rationale of having such an organizational structure.