Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Measurement and Evaluation Questions-- PROJECT



Education starts with identification of learning outcomes and ends with judgment concerning the extent to which the learning outcomes have been attained informal classroom observation guides many instructional objectives. For both cognitive and non-cognitive abilities. For making classroom decision the concept of measurement and evaluation are of high essence.

Merriam Webster dictionary defines measurement as the act or process of knowing the size, or amount of something and evaluation as a process to judge value o condition of (someone or something) in a careful and thoughtful way.

From instructional standpoint Grorilund (2003) defined measurement as a process of assigning number to individual or characteristics and evaluation as the systematic process of determining the extent to which instructional objectives are achieved by learners and includes both measurement and non-measurement procedures.

The project aims to evaluate school examination as an instrument for education measurement and evaluation of cognitive ability and any other methods used to measure and evaluate non-cognitive abilities. T examination chosen was a pre-mock on Temeke Municipal and exam was administered in may 2017.

From the examination the following aspects were evaluated;

a)      Types of evaluation, its represent and its purpose

b)      The cognition domain measured in the exams

c)      the instruction constructed

d)     Construction of multiple choice questions

Also project aims to determine the methods used for measuring non-cognitive learning outcomes used in the school and giving the professional advice to improve the methods.

          Lastly, the project analyses the examination which contributes to the National Council of Tanzania (NECTA) by discussing with the school Academic Mistress and examinations ratio from various writings.








Qn 1:

Description, refers to the statement that gives details about someone or something. Learning ability is the ability about how you learn, apply and consume knowledge to apply. There are two types of description appeared in our examination which intended to measure learners ability namely;

          Qualitative description is a type of description which is stated in a word form. It is non-mathematical in nature which intends to measure self expression ability of a leaner. For example, in our examination, qualitative description used to measure learners ability in the following areas. Firstly, understanding of words and phrases used to create questions, and also, in organization of idea especially in essay questions where by examinees should organize idea, paragraph by dividing the introduction into three parts like introduction, main body and conclusion.

          Quantitative description is a type of description which is stated in a mathematical form. In our examination a teacher intended to measure learners ability in the following area; Orderly arrangement of questions in number by avoiding question number mixing, and also, doing calculation question for example, question number 3 (a) need a student to “ calculate area covered by forest …” 3(b). Measure the length of railway line from grid reference 040118 to 130122 and question number 4, need a student to show his or her skills on solving statistics question finding “modal class”, “median” and “mean.


Qn 2: Using examples, state two objectives which the examination you obtained intended to        address.

a) To assess the ability of student to use his/her knowledge and understanding of the fundamental facts. For example, question number 7, want student to give out fact about the photograph.

b) . Examination aim to measure the capacity of students to solve current problems in the area of field. For example, question number 5, “ The are a number of researches conducted from different areas across the world. Suggest the advantages of research findings to Tanzania as a developing country”. which need a student to apply the learned material into a new context.





Question 3.

Examination item

Bloom Taxonomies of the cognitive domain

Definition of the cognitive level

1   (ii)

The temperature of Dar es salaam at sea level is 31oC. What will be the temperature of Arusha 2500M above the sea level (A)16oC (B).29.5oC (C).15oC (D). 46oC (E).  32.5oC

Application/ Applying

Refers to the ability to use the new knowledge in a familiar or different context

2 (ii)

 A wall like structure formed when the magma acts across the bedding plane


Involves recalling or retesting facts


Study the printed map extract of SONGWE RIVER and then answer the following questions

3(c). Describe the nature of the relief of the area


Refers to the ability to crate own meaning from the new learning


Carefully study the data given on the table below and then answer the question that follows;

4(a). Find the (i). Modal class (ii) Median (iii). Mean


Involves recalling or retesting facts. Example verbs like find


There are a number of researches conducted from different areas across the world. Suggest the advantages of research findings to Tanzania as a developing country (Give any six points).


Involves making judgment and critique


Describe the following purpose of survey (i). Reconnaissance survey (ii). Observation or field operation (iii). Presenting or post field operation


Involves recalling or retesting facts


Carefully study the photograph below and then answer the question that follows;

(b). Identify three (3) types of economic activities that carried out in the area.


Refers to the ability to create own meaning from the new learning


Explain six (6) factors which can influence level of fertility in the society


Refers to the ability to create own meaning from the new learning


The economies of Tanzania depend much on agriculture but the product from cash crops and food crops keep on declining. Discuss any six (6) problems facing this sector.


Refers to the ability to create own meaning from the new learning


(a). Describe five(5) objectives of conducting census in a country.


Involves recalling or retesting facts







According to Kelly (1927), defined validity as the extent to whuch a test measures what it claims to measure. It is a vital for test to be valid in order for the results to be accurately applied and interpreted. Factors which are more likely to affect examination validity when administered to pupils as observed on the PRE-MOCK EXAMINATION 2020, TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL is as follows;

          Length of the test, the test given observed is not short or long but is moderate. For instance, the multiple choice item contain only ten questions which a student can finish to attempt it within 20 minutes and the matching item contain of five question where student can attempt it within 10 min. Also, in section B which contains five questions and can be attempted within 45 to 60 minutes due to level of difficult, another part of this section is statistics question; photograph question can be attempted within one hour. Lastly, essay questions where student is required to attempt only two questions which can be done within one hour. The test is valid in term of length and time allocated.

          Unclear direction, the direction of the test is lear since the instructions of each item is well understood to the reader. For instance, multiple choice items the student instructed to choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives. Also in the matching items student instructed to matching the item in the LIST A with response in LIST B, in the section B student instructed to answer all questions, Lastly, in section C student required to choose only two questions to attempt. So the exam is validity

          Reading vocabulary and sentence structure, the examination has geographical terminologies which are well understood to every student who takes geography. The sentence structure of examination is valid according to the structure of geography examination. From the first section to the last one the structure of question the sentence structure of question instruction in nearly appropriate, so the exam is valid.

          Inappropriate level of difficult the test, the level of difficult of the examination is moderate, for instance for any student who takes geography is aware with the terminologies of geography. The terminologies used are those geographical terminologies like question number 1 (i) to (x) terminologies of geography are used. The exam is not too difficult but is in moderate level

          Ambiguity, the exam statement is not ambiguous in the extent that may confuse the students. The exam is well understood to both (better students and poor students), also the discrimination of items from section A to section C are of positive direction.



QUESTION NUMBER 3:  Read all multiple choice items included in your examination then select any ten (10) and state with reason whether are appropriate or poorly constructed.

Thorndike (2010), Explained the principle for the writing multiple choice and Grorilund, 2003). Explained the more vividly from page 1770-190 of this book; the following are general principle to be considered while constructing multiple choice item

a)      The item of item should be meaningful by itself and should be present definite problem.

b)       The item should include as much of the item as possible and should be free of irrelevant material.

c)       Use negative state item stem only when significant learning outcome required it.

d)     All the alternatives should be grammatically consistent with stem of item.

e)      An item should contain only one correct/clearly correct best answer.

f)       All distracter should be plausible

g)      Verbal association between the stem and correct answer should be avoided.

h)      The relative length of the alternatives should not provide due to the answer.

i)        The correct answer should appear in each of the alternative position an approximately equal member of times but in random order.

j)        Use sparingly special alternatives such as “none of the above”  





(i). Why do two different countries located in different latitudes or hemisphere experience similar type of natural vegetation?  It is because of …(a). There is position which is very far (b). Similar traditions of people (c). The same type of climate (d). Same on shore prevailing wind (e).Fertile soil, good cloud cover and rain

The item is appropriate constructed

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(ii). The temperature of Dar es salaam at the sea level is 31%  what will be the temperature of Arusha with 2500m above the sea level?

(a). 16°C  (b). 29. 5 °C         (c). 15°C (d). 46°C  (e). 32°C 

The item is appropriate

Because stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the alternatives have similar length and plausible

(iii). Which of the following reasons is the main cause of reverse fault? (a). Earth movemen (b). Tension force (c). An earthquake (d). Weathering (e).Compressional force

The item inappropriate  

Because the alternative are not plausible as one choice relevant with other choices

(iv). Your asked to identify an intrusive igneous rock which may form escarpment and provide good cite for weathering (a). Dyke  (b). Batholith (c). Sill (d). weathering  e).Compressional force    

The item is appropriate

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(v). suppose you are asked to comment on natural vegetation found in Tanzania, Which of the following will be the correct answer? (a). Coniferous, Mediterranean and mountain (b). Forest. Tropical, Grassland and thickest (c). Temperate, Tropical and deciduous (d). Tundra, Maritime and grassland   

The item is appropriate

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(vi). Which of the following process is responsible in the formation of depression in desert  (a). Wind  (b). Wind deflation(c). Wind attrition (d). Wind corrosion (e).Desert soil

The item is appropriate

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(vii). Soil with clearly distinguishable horizons which occur in definite regions of climate and vegetation are known as (a). Intrasonal soil  (b). Clay soil

(c). Zonal soil (d). Azonal soil

(e). Desert soil

The item is appropriate

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(viii). Millions of years ago the Norivegian highland coast has submerged and the lower part of its river valley has flooded, What is the name of the formation created?

(a). Fiords  (b). Ria (c). Delta

(d). Longitudinal (e). Estuary

The item is appropriate

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(ix). The magnitude of an earthquake refer to as

(a). Effect produced by the earthquake (b). Large amplitude wave known as L-waves (c). Point (a) which earthquake originated (d). Total amount of energy released   (e). Point on the earth surface above

The item is appropriate constructed

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible

(x). The difference between high tide and low tide is known as (a). Tidal range (b). Spring tide (c). Neap tide (d). Bore (e). Ocean current

The item is appropriate constructed

Both stem is meaningful and has neither irrelevant material nor verbal association with the answer and grammatically corrected and alternative have similar length and plausible


QUESTION NUMBER 6:.Read all instructions guiding student in answering each section of the examination paper you have obtained. Then select any two (2) instructions from different sections, Then establish with means whether or not they are appropriately written

Bookhart,( 2013), defined that instruction is a scoring sale used to asses student performance along a task specific set of criteria whether written, oral or both the directions should include the following;

            i.            Purpose of the test

          ii.            Time allowing for answering

        iii.            Basic for answering each item example; select the correct answer, select the best answer

        iv.            Procedures for recording answer

          v.            What to do about guessing example guessing is to be panelized, student should be held and the methods that will be used to panelized guessing


In this examination the following are two examination instruction and their analysis;

        i.            Instruction;  For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its later beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

           Analysis; The examination instruction is appropriately constructed because it is clear for student and it describes the level of performance intended, Thus it has all characteristics of written examination instruction.



QUESTION NUMBER7: Read carefully all the examination item in the paper you obtained and state with relevant reasons any two(2) pupils behaviors that were not measured and cannot be captured in this examination  even if the examination items are re-constructed 100 times but the teachers is required to include behaviors in student’s report at the end of each term.

(a). Report of non cognitive abilities(behavior) which cannot be assessed in this examination;

(i) Discipline (ii) Leadership (iii) Athlete (iv) Cleanness (v) Cooperation (vi) Respect

(b)  Method which the teacher can alternatively use to measure the unintended student’s behavior in the obtained examination?

(i) Classroom observation ; At Miburani Secondary School teacher use classroom observation specifically “rating scale” which provide asymmetric procedure reporting observation judgment and it consist characteristics or qualities to be judged and some scale for indicating the degree to which each attributes is present (Grorilund, 2003). At the school the scale used is numerical rating scale in which the teacher indicates the characteristics degree of performance. The number used and their meanings were as follows; (5). Outstanding (4). Above average (3). Average (2). Bellow average  (1). Unsatisfactory

(ii)   Comparing non-cognitive ability is compared with learner’s academic performance to judge one as best in particular ability. Thus teachers considered that a students who can perform well in class and show outstanding non-cognitive abilities is a better student compared to the one who does not perform well but has an outstanding non-cognitive behavior



The type of exams that contribute to the final subject grade or marks measured by the national Examination council at the end of the ordinary level are;

a)      Form two National Examination (FTNA)

b)      Form three TAHOSSA  annual Examination

c)      Form four Mock THOSSA Examination

d)     Project




The examination ratio that the results of examination contribute to the final subject grades, Varies with time  (Kelly 2009), Zembazemba (2017) showed that by 1996 in Tanzania continuous  Assessment (CA) contribute 50% of total grade of the subject, the contributions have changed over years and kissima 2015 showed the continuous Assessment contribute to the 30% which had the following distribution.



MARK (%)


National form two examination result



Form three TAHOSSA annual examination



Form four Mock TAHOSSA examination











QN 10.

Procedures involved in preparation of the nation form four education in Tanzania

       I.            Setting the question paper, In any subject area, setters chosen must have excellent academic qualification in the subject being assessed. Each appointed setter is given a guideline on how to set the questions. Such guideline indicates a topic, type and number of question and the skills to be tested in each question.

    II.            Moderation of examination question or items, Member of the examination panel in preparing the National Form Four Examination who usually are curriculum developers, school inspector and experienced teachers. The examination moderator should ensure that items and question are representative of the ordinary level secondary education syllabus content and objective. Also they check to ensure the format of National Form Four Examinations and correctives of the rubric of the paper, vocabularies used and weighting of each item one also appropriate.

 III.            To ensure the qualification of the National Form Four Examination, At this procedure NECTA has set the guideline which guarantee the quality and quantity of the Examination, it ensure the validity and reliability of the set items and their adherence to the prescribed  level of candidate


Procedure for administration 

I. Registration of candidate and examination center registration of candidates is undertaken             in schools depend on the type of examination and examination season.

II. Distribution of examination to center, Once the examinations have been printed in the printer and publications department their distribution to the Region Headquarters is the prerogative of the department of Examinations Administration.

III. Returning the worked scripts to NECTA, the system of returning scripts to NECTA from examination center follows the same procedures employed during the distribution process, NECTA officer traveled to regional headquarter to collect the worked scripts from the regional committee for administration of  National examination.

IV.    Sorting of worked scripts for marking Once the worked scripts are brought to NECTA premises from region Headquarters  the sorting processes begins  where by scripts are repacked according to earmarked making center.     



















(a). SCHOOL: Miburani Secondary School

(b). Examination type: Pre-Mock Examination

(c). Subject: Geography

(d). Class administered: Form Four

(e). Year: July, 2020


1)      MCHOMVU SELEMANI PLASIDI 2018- – He went to Miburani Secondary School to collect the examination to be evaluated. Also he talked to Academic Mistress about non-cognitive abilities evaluated at school and also read a book Brookhert S. M (2013). How to create and use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading:( ASCD) for referencing the type of work.

2)      KITIMBU TWAHA ISMAIL 2018-  – He went to Miburani Secondary School to collect the examination to be evaluated. Also he talked to Academic Mistress about examination that contribute to grades in the final examination and discussed and read the ground Brookhert S. M (2013). How to create and use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading (ASCD) for referencing the type of work.

3)      KINUNDA KELVIN W 2018- – He went to Miburani Secondary School to collect the examination to be evaluated. Also he noted down all the discussion with academic teacher about non-cognitive abilities and examination contributing to the final grade and read Kelly A.V (2009). The Curriculum Theory and Practice (6th Ed) London SAGE Publication for referencing

4)      KATANYI MOABU THOMASI 2018- – He read both Kell, A.V (2009). The Curriculum Theory and Pratice(6th Ed) ,London. SAGE Publication and Bookhart, S. m (2013). ). How to create and use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading:( ASCD) for referencing the type of work.

5)      DOMINIC MIRIAM 2018- – She went to Miburani Secondary School to collect the examination to be evaluated. Also she talked to Academic Mistress about examination that contribute to grades in the final examination and discussed and read Grorilund, S. m (2013). How to create and use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading :( ASCD) for referencing the type of work

6)      RASHIDI YUNUS Y 2018-–He read Lutz, C(1991), Bloom Taxonomy Breakdown, Roles, Process, Verb and Product From Bloom Taxonomy Of The Cognitive Domain. Colony High School, and Thorndike R.M (2010) Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education(8th Ed) New York: For referencing and discussed work

7)      BONAMAX ANSIFRIDA J 2018–She read Lutz, C(1991), Bloom Taxonomy Breakdown, Roles, Process, Verb and Product From Bloom Taxonomy Of The Cognitive Domain. Colony High School.

8)      NZWELEMLA MPONEJA D –He did the question number four. Also ho to the library to find different sources of data relate to Educational Psychology

9)      NGARO WINFRIDA 2018 – She went to Miburani Secondary School to collect the examination to be evaluated. Also she did the question number five.

10)  MKUMBUKWA ERICK W 2018 -He  did the question number three on module two.


















Bookhart, S. m (2013). ). How to create and use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading:( ASCD)

Gronlund, N.E (2003). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. New York: Maccimilian

Lutz, C (2009). Bloom Taxonomy Breakdown, Roles, Process, Verb and Product From Bloom Taxonomy of The Cognitive Domain. Colony High School,

Kell, A.V (2009). The Curriculum Theory and Practice (6th Ed) ,London: SAGE

Kissima A.P (2015) Evaluation of Implementation of Competency Based Assessment in Chemistry Subject In Secondary School In Singida Municipality, Tanzania: Mwenge Catholic University.

NECTA (2014). Mwongozo wa Matumizi ya Viwango vya Ufaulu na Utaratibu wa kutunuku maatokeo ya kidato cha nne na kidato cha sita: BAMITA

Thorndike R.M (2010) Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education(8th Ed) New York: For referencing and discussed work

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